Sunday, May 16, 2010

Zantac at 6 Weeks

Now that we have had the girls on soy formula for about two weeks, they have been functioning at a better rate. Poopie diapers are quite frequent and quite smelly. We however have encountered another problem with our girls. They have developed reflux.

Fountains of spit up, loads of laundry, several baths and crying babies have been our daily routines. We started them on Zantac to ease their pain. Juliana took to the medicine very well. She does not spit up as much as she did. Olivia, however, is not doing as well on the Zantac. We go to the doctor tomorrow to see if her weight is increasing. If it is not, they are going to put her on a different medicine. Feedings have changed too. Olivia has to sit straight up so the acid does not come up her throat, which makes it really hard to breastfeed her. Our new great finding are their car seats. We found that our babies are very happy sleeping in them. I don't know how long this will last, but we pray for them everyday that God would ease their discomfort. I hope they soon will grow out of this phase of life.

This week marks the girls 6 weeks of life. We are very proud parents and are very excited to see them grow. They finally grew out of their preemie clothes and are now wearing newborn size. They still have a ways to go until they fit fully into their newborn outfits. Juliana and Olivia are starting to recognize the items that feed them. When we place a bottle near their faces they automatically open their mouths wanting to be fed. What great joys we have when our little ones progress. Its the little things in our girls' lives that make our sleepless days and nights much worth it.

Olivia holding her paci

Juliana sucking on a paci with daddy's help

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