2 Tbs. of Baby Oatmeal
Juliana eating the oatmeal.
Olivia refusing the oatmeal.
Olivia getting the bottle.
Juliana has been drooling a lot more and I didn't really think anything about it. She was not cranky, no fever, or anything that really would indicate that she was getting teeth. Today, when we were at church potluck, I was testing squash with Juliana. It was pureed, so I put some on my finger and put it in her mouth. She was a little unsure of the taste, but after a few times, she really liked it. Upon giving her the food with my finger, I realized there was something sharp in her mouth, well coming through her gums. I looked and sure enough, it was a tooth! It was cutting through her gum. I had no clue! She was such a well tempered baby, I never saw it coming. Olivia still has not had this new discovery, but I don't think it will be long until she does too. Hopefully she will start taking some solids before then.
Juliana's First Tooth!!!
Juliana telling a secret to Olivia...shhh don't tell Mama.
I am so excited to see my little babies grow up. I never really knew how much a big deal teeth and solids were until I had children. When you have two, it is such a great achievement to see these little ones develop in a healthy way. I not only have one blessing but two! Yes, it is hard work, but it all pays off in the end.
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