Yesterday, Some friends (Joy and Jan), Mike, and I spent the day canning applesauce. It was a rainy day and what better way to spend it than with friends and family. It smelled like fall in the house...apples, cinnamon, and pumpkin (candles). The girls were great the whole day. They ate, slept, and ate and slept. After canning all 55 jars, we all packed up and went to Olive Garden to, we didn't have applesauce. What a great day.

The girls are growing so fast. They are starting to sit up more, with support, and pushing up on their arm when on their tummies. Olivia likes to tuck her leg under her and scoot forward. I think she will be crawling in no time. The other issue we ran into was Olivia's sleeping position. She loves to sleep on her tummy. When she falls asleep we put her down in her crib, only to find her in the morning on her tummy with her legs tucked up under her and her tushie in the air. It is really cute. We have resorted to dressing her in warm pajamas and no blankets in the crib.
Juliana Grace
Another event that we had the pleasure of participating in was camp-meeting. Last weekend Mike and I had song service, offertory, and special music for Sabbath school. The girls did real good and sat up front. We did hand them off during part of the time so we were able to do our music. When church started both girls were so tired they were fussing. We ended up going outside and taking in the view of the surrounding mountains for the remainder of the service. It was a good experience for the girls. There were a lot of people and several wanted to hold them. Needless to say, they had baths that evening.
Juliana Grace
Olivia Judith
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